Washington Kid Care
Unlocking Curiosity
About Washington Kid Care
A Place to Shine
As we start on this very exciting journey together, we want to welcome you back, and in some cases, welcome you for the first time, to Washington Kid Care & Learning Center. We look forward to working with you and your children this new school year!
Our Center has established a number of policies concerning programs and classroom practices. These guidelines have been developed to comply with Grow New Jersey Kids, State licensing standards and the Common Core Standards and to reflect input from teachers and parents. The policies and procedures described in this handbook are written to provide a clear description of what parents may expect of Washington Kid Care and what Washington Kid Care expects of parents. Our goal is to provide quality child care services to all our families.
With our progressive and holistic early childhood education philosophy, we understand that each child has unique needs and interests. We provide the environment and tools your child needs to thrive to the best of their abilities.
When we expose children to different environments and various learning experiences, we allow them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once they leave Washington Kid Care, they’re fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives.